This temperature transmitter is designed for installation within either a refrigerator or freezer.
The wireless transmitter is mounted outside of the refrigerator or freezer and a RTD PT1000 temperature probe is installed inside the fixture.
Part No.: GENII/FRZ/101/A
Temperature Range: -100.0 to +200.0°C
Full Range Accuracy: +/- 0.3°C
Full Traceability: Yes
Unique Serialization: Yes
Probe Cable Length: 2.0M (6.5ft)
Image 1: PT1000 Fridge / Freezer Temperature
PT1000 LN2 / Cryogenic Temperature
This temperature transmitter is designed for installation within either a LN2 (liquid nitrogen) tank or flask container.
The wireless transmitter head is mounted outside of the fixture and a special pluggable RTD PT1000 temperature probe is installed inside of the tank or flask.
Two probe types are available depending on application:
A - Suitable for mounting in LN2 storage tanks
B - Suitable for mounting in LN2 storage flasks
Temperature Range: -200.0 to +40.0°C
Full Range Accuracy: +/- 0.3°C
Full Traceability: Yes
Unique Serialization: Yes
Probe Cable Length: 2.0M (6.5ft)
PT1000 LN2 / Cryogenic Temperature
NTC Thermistor Fridge / Freezer Temperature
This temperature transmitter is designed for installation within either a refrigerator or freezer when extended probe cable lengths are required, for example, in coolers or walk in freezers.
This transmitter is a single channel (single probe) device.
The wireless transmitter head is mounted outside of the refrigerator or freezer and a pluggable NTC thermistor temperature probe is installed inside the fixture.
The NTC thermistor probe bead characteristic is type 10K3A.
Part No.: GENII/NTC/101/A
Temperature Range: -50.0 to +40.0°C
Full Range Accuracy: +/- 0.3°C
Full Traceability: Yes
Unique Serialization: Yes
Probe Cable Length: 3.0M (10.0ft), 15.2M (50.0ft)
Image 3: NTC Thermistor Fridge / Freezer Temperature
Incubator Temperature and Humidity
The incubator sensing transmitter is designed specifically for installing into incubators.
This transmitter is capable of sensing both temperature and humidity levels inside the incubator.
The wireless transmitter head is mounted outside of the incubator and a pluggable umbilical temperature/ humidity probe is installed inside of the fixture.
Part No.: GENII/INCU/101/A GENII/INCU/101/T GENII/INCU/101/H Temperature Range: -40.0 to +123.0°C
Full Range Accuracy: +/- 0.3°C
Full Traceability: Yes
Unique Serialization: Yes
Probe Cable Length: 1.7M (5.5ft)
Image 4: Incubator Temperature and Humidity
PT1000 Temperature / Door Contact Dual Monitor
This temperature transmitter is designed for installation within either a refrigerator or freezer to measure temperature whilst at the same time monitoring a door status contact.
The wireless transmitter head is mounted outside of the refrigerator freezer and a pluggable RTD PT1000 temperature probe is installed inside of the fixture.
The door status monitor input is connected to a separate magnetic door switch.
Part No.: GENII/DCT/102/A
Temperature Range: -100.0 to +200.0°C
Full Range Accuracy: +/- 0.3°C
Full Traceability: Yes
Unique Serialization: Yes
Probe Cable Length: 2.0M (6.5ft)
Door Contact Cable Length: 2.0M (6.5ft)
Image 5: PT1000 Temperature / Door Contact Dual Monitor
Room Ambient Temperature & Humidity Sensor
The room ambient sensing transmitter is designed specifically for installing into open room environments.
This transmitter is capable of sensing both temperature and humidity levels in an ambient environment.
The wireless transmitter is surface mounted on a wall in an appropriate location within the room.
Part No.:
Temperature Range: -40.0 to +123.0°C
Full Range Accuracy: +/- 0.3°C
Full Traceability: Yes
Unique Serialization: Yes
Image 6: Room Ambient Temperature and Humidity
PT1000 Internal Mapping Temperature Sensor
This temperature transmitter is designed for installation within either refrigerators or freezers or in ambient warehousing applications.
The mapping wireless transmitter is mounted inside of the refrigerator/freezer (above -20.0°C) or warehouse area.
If installed within a freezer then the battery operating life of the transmitter will be reduced from 5 years to 18 months.
An RTD PT1000 temperature probe is contained inside of the transmitter.
Part No.: GENII/MAP/101/A
Temperature Range: -100.0 to +200.0°C
Full Range Accuracy: +/- 0.3°C
Full Traceability: Yes
Unique Serialization: Yes
Image 7: PT1000 Internal Mapping Temperature Sensor
Instrumentation Transducers
This transmitter is designed for connection to specialist instrumentation transducers for non temperature applications.
This transmitter type is typically used for the sensing and recording of O2 (Oxygen), CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), pressure, differential pressure, high temperature, etc.
Two versions of this transmitter type are available for connecting to a wide range of industry standard transducers:
Type 1 - 4 – 20ma 24VDC loop powered transducers.
Type 2 - 0 - 10VDC externally powered transducers.
Part No.:
Each transducer requires a 24 hour AC power source.
Image 8: Instrumentation Transducers
Dual Alarm / Status Contact Monitor
This transmitter is designed to monitor clean contact digital inputs derived from equipment status and/or alarm contacts.
The wireless transmitter head is mounted outside of the specific fixture and pluggable cables are connected to the appropriate status/alarm contacts provided by the fixture manufacturer.
The clean contact status/alarm input connection cable length is 2.0M (6.5ft).
Typical Monitored Contacts:
Magnetic Door
AC Power Failure
Refrigerator/Freezer Fault
Incubator Fault
Gas Alarmed
Systems Incubator
C02 Alarm
Refrigeration Plant Status
Refrigeration Plant Alarm
BAC-T Alarm
Refrigeration Compressor:
HP Cut out
LP Cut out
Run Status
Motor Trip
Part No.: GENII/CCM/102/A
Image 9: Dual Alarm / Status Contact Monitor
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