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Attach a Photo to a Check

You can take a photo and attach it to a check if instructed/necessary.

You can attach multiple photos to a check.

You cannot upload existing photos from your photo library.

If you are taking a photo of a document, for best results, ensure that it is well lit and has a contrasting background.

Please ensure that the camera lens is clean before taking a photo.

  1. Open the check.

  2. Tap the paperclip icon.

  3. Tap Add photo.

  4. Wait for the camera to focus (this may take up to 10 seconds depending on the device you are using).

  5. Tap the camera icon to capture the photo.

  6. Tap the Title field to name the photo, for example, ‘Broken Seal’ (optional).

  7. Tap the Tags field to enter some key words (separated by commas) relating to the photo, for example, ‘fridge, damage, kitchen’ (optional).

  8. Tap:

    • The check icon to upload the photo

    • The repeat icon to retake the photo

    • The pencil icon to annotate the photo (if you want to delete the annotation, tap the pencil icon again)

    • The x icon to cancel

Video 1: Attach a photo

To add an additional photo, repeat the process from step 2.

Photos appear in the Work Report. See video 2.

Video 2: Photos in Work Report

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