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Create & Manage QR Codes

This feature is currently only available on the CWM Android app

 Create QR codes/labels

Checkit creates a unique identifier for each Checkpoint you create, but you need to use a service like to generate the QR code you will apply physically to the rooms/objects the Checkpoints you create in Checkit represent. The QR code can be read with a scanning device, using the CWM app on a mobile phone or the Checkit Memo.

When we refer to 'QR code' most of us think of the image as shown right. When that image is scanned what is communicated via the scanning device depends on what has been embedded/ coded into the QR code when it was generated. Checkit uses alphanumeric strings - '711df0a5-641f-4403-8235-602406a4488b' for example, to identify each checkpoint you define. Each string is unique. When this string is embedded into a QR code and that QR code is scanned, the identifier is recognised by Checkit and it knows which checkpoint that string has been assigned to. So the value you enter in the Proof of Presence Identity field when creating a Checkpoint, whether your own string or one generated by Checkit (using the GENERATE IDENTITY button) is what identifies a checkpoint, but in order that is can be scanned, you need to convert it into a QR Code.

To generate a QR code, copy the identity string you pasted into the Proof of Presence Identity field when creating the Checkpoint, open or a similar site and follow the instructions. (Typically you paste the string into a box, press a button and a QR code is generated as an image file (png, jpg etc.) which you can then download.) You do not need to enter the QR code into Checkit because Checkit has the identity string which the QR code only represents.

Managing QR Codes

You affix the QR code to the required room/object/thing required. However, before you do so we recommend you complete the work required in Checkit to assign work to the checkpoint (refer to Assign Checklist Work to Checkpoints) and test that the QR code can be read and produce the correct result by displaying it on your computer/laptop screen and scanning it there, using the CWM app/Memo. Then move onto printing the QR code and mounting it in place.

When working with QR codes it is sometimes possible to lose track of which Checkpoint a QR code belongs to particularly if you use a service to generate the QR code which does not use the QR identifier string as the name of the QR image file: its just a picture and you are not a scanner. So when you generate the QR code image it can be useful to save the file using the QR Code identifier string as the file name. Alternatively, if you prefer to give the file the same name as the Checkpoint to which it relates because that is easier to understand, just consider if the Checkpoint names are unique across all of your locations (is there more than 1 room 23 across your organisations estate, for example) and if not, save the file in sub folder reflecting the locations or find some other means to be sure which Checkpoint it is (maintain a spreadsheet perhaps).

 Printing and Reprinting

If you have small number of Checkpoints you may print the QR code yourself but with a lot to do or if you need more durable, adhesive and/ or presentable labels than you can create in-house, you may want to use an external printer (there are a number of easy online services for label printing. Once you start to use QR codes in practise there will be occasions when you have to reprint one because it is damaged or lost. The Check point in Checkit has the identifier described above so you can always go back and regenerate the QR code to reprint.

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