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Work Management Configuration

The following configuration only applies to customers who use the Checkit App.

  • Locations: places to which you assign people, devices, and checklists

  • Users: staff you assign to teams and/or locations

  • Teams: groups of staff to which you assign checklists

  • Checklists & Checks: a list of tasks/an individual task to be completed on the Checkit App

  • Schedules: timetables you assign to checklists

  • Work: the location, team, and schedule assigned to a checklist

  • Advanced

Automated Monitoring Configuration

The following configuration only applies to customers who use Checkit sensors.

  • Locations: places to which you assign people and devices

  • Users: staff you assign to teams and/or locations

  • Teams: groups of staff to which you assign to sensors

  • Rules: parameters you assign to sensors

  • Monitoring: the team and rule assigned to a sensor

  • Advanced

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