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How to Share Checklists

Once Checkit has set up the relationship between two accounts, one of the account holders ('parent') can use the Libraries page in the Control Centre to copy checklists to the other account ('child'), as follows.

  1. Login to the Control Centre (You must be logged in as a Checkit Safety Manager to complete the following.

  2. Select Configuration, Work Management, View/Edit

  3. Select the Advanced icon (top right of page)

  4. Select Libraries from the left menu.

Any libraries of checklists your organisation has already created are listed. You can either add a checklist to an existing library or create a new library and add a checklist to it.

Create a New Library

  1. Login to the Control Centre (You must be logged in as a Checkit Safety Manager to complete the following.

  2. Select Configuration, Work Management, View/Edit

  3. Select the Advanced icon (top right of page)

  4. Select Libraries from the left menu

  5. Select the Add button at the bottom of the Libraries page. The Add Libraries page is presented (assuming you have requested and had this Workflow Library feature added to your account by Checkit)

  6. Enter a Name for the Library - this is the name that will appear to the user/franchisee in the account to which you copy the Library

  7. Enter a Description: this is for your organisation's administrative purposes only, so you can include any notes which help manage the library / checklists - it does not appear to the account user/franchisee of the account to which you copy the Library

  8. Click on Add checklists in the Checklists field - your checklists are listed in alphabetical order, but if you have more than 10 checklists you are prompted to search for the one you want. Note that if a selected checklist has unsaved updates a warning message will be presented by Checkit so you can take the appropriate action.

  9. Repeat step 8 to select as many checklists as you want to add to this particular library

  10. Select Save: a warning message reminds you that you cannot remove a checklist from a library once you have saved it. (Note however that until you Publish the updated library, the checklist is not copied to the other/target account.)


  1. To copy the updated library to a child account, select the ellipsis ... under the Actions column and select Publish



Add Checklists to an Existing Library

You cannot remove a checklist from a Library once you have published the library with it included. Nor can you unpublish or delete a Library.

  1. Locate the Library to which you want to add a checklist(s)

  2. Select the ellipses ... option under the Actions column

  3. Select Update - the Update Libraries page opens

  4. Click on Add checklists in the Checklists field - your checklists are listed in alphabetical order, but if you have more than 10 checklists you are prompted to search for the one you want. Note that if a selected checklist has unsaved updates a warning message will be presented by Checkit so you can take the appropriate action.

  5. Select Save: a warning message reminds you that you cannot remove a checklist from a library once you have added it. (Note however that until you Publish the updated library the checklists are not copied to the other/target account.)

  6. To copy the updated library to the child accounts, select the ellipses ... under the Actions column and select Publish.

 Keeping Shared Copies and Masters in Sync

Once you have created a Library and shared a checklist you have two copies of that checklist: the original is accessible via the What tab (in the Control Centre select Configuration, Work Management and then open the What tab ) and the other copy - the one that the child account you share it with have/can be given access to - is in the Library (in the Control Centre select Configuration, Work Management and then select the cogwheelsadvanced_configuration.png).

If you update a checklist in the What tab and it is a checklist you have previously copied to a Library, Checkit does not automatically update the copy in the Library. If you want the update to be shared you need to update the Library (its not likely that all of your checklists will be shared). When you update a Library, Checkit shows you which copy/version of each checklist the Library has compared to the original checklists copied to it, as shown below. The asterisk * is used to indicate a checklist where the original has been updated since the Library copy was created but the Library copy has not been updated - so the two will not likely be identical.


To update the Library copy:

  • Select the arrow icon to replace the current library version with the updated master.

  • If you change your mind you can select the restore icon to reverse the update.

  • Then select Save - the update is not retained in the Library if you do not select Save.

In order to be sure the account you are sharing checklists with is up-to-date, you can scan each Library for the asterisks which indicate there is a newer version of a checklist that is not yet shared.


Changes Pending

When a Library has been updated with either a new checklist or a new version of a checklist, but the updates have not been published, the Library is flagged as having Changes Pending as shown below


To inspect the changes/updates, click on the ellipsis ... and select Update

To publish the changes/updates, click on the ellipsis ... and select Publish


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