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Take a Temperature Reading

You can take a temperature reading using a Checkit or ETI probe when instructed to do so on the Checkit App.

The Checkit Probe and ETI Thermapen tip is sharp. Please take care when handling.

You can only take a reading using a Checkit or ETI probe when completing a temperature check on the Checkit App.

If you are using the Checkit App on your own device, ensure that Bluetooth is enabled.

  • Checkit probes are enabled by default on the Checkit App.

  • ETI probes must be enabled on each Android device running the Checkit App before first use. Once enabled, all supported ETI probe models will work on that device. See Enable/Disable Checkit/ETI Probes for instructions.

If you are using a Checkit Probe for the first time, please remove the battery isolation tag before use. See image 1.

Image 1: Remove battery isolation tag

  1. Unfold the metal probe to turn on the device (ETI Thermapen only).

  2. Open the temperature check.

  3. When indicated to do so on the app screen, press the button on the probe once to pair it with your device.

If the probe fails to pair with your device, tap Try again on the app and repeat step 3.

  1. Position the probe tip appropriately to take a measurement.

  2. Press the button on the probe to view the reading on the app. You have 30 seconds to do so. You will see a message on screen stating whether the temperature is:

    • In range

    • Under range

    • Over range

If you do not press the button in time, tap Try again on the app and repeat step 5.

  1. When the temperature has stabilised, press the record icon.

  2. If you are happy with the reading, tap the accept icon on the app. If not, tap the retake icon to repeat the reading.

  3. Fold the metal probe to switch off the device (ETI Thermapen only).

See video 1.

Video 1: Complete a temperature check

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