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Alarm KPI Report

An Alarm KPI Report is a record of all alarms that occurred on a site during the previous month.

You can save a copy of the report to the documents library.

Alarm KPI Report.PNG

Image 1: Alarm KPI Report

You must be a Customer Administrator to view/save a copy of the alarm report.

The report is updated and replaced on the first day of each month, so we recommend saving a copy before then

You cannot save a copy of the report to your device. However, you can save it to the documents library (see instructions below) and then download the file from there.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the sensor icon on the any department in the site you want to view.

  3. Click View Incidents at the bottom left of the screen.

  4. Click Alarm Report.

  5. To save a copy of the report to the documents library, click Copy To Libraries.

Video 1: View/save a copy of an Alarm KPI Report

The alarm report will be filed under Documents Library> System Users>Customer Reports.

The report contains the following information:

  • A summary including:

    • Total number of alarms received

    • Total number of alarms actioned

    • Average bureau response time

    • Average customer response time

    • Total number of instances in which no contacts were able to accept an alarm

    • Total number of alarms by type:

      • Temperature alarms

      • Probe faults (when a probe is disconnected from a transmitter or short circuits)

      • Transmitter alarms

      • Door alarms

      • Monitoring alarms

      • Other alarms

  • A list detailing every alarm that occurred

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