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Disable an Isolation

You can disable an isolation if you no longer want to suspend alarms and alerts during its designated time period.

You must have the Manage Isolations permission enabled to disable an isolation. See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the sensor icon on the relevant department.

  3. Click the isolation icon on the relevant sensor.

The icon will appear:

  • Green if the sensor currently has no isolations configured

  • Amber if the sensor has a pending isolation

  • Red if the sensor is currently in isolation

  1. Find the isolation that you want to disable.

Use the arrows above the table to browse the list of isolations.

Use the dropdown menu to filter isolations by status: active, inactive, or all.

  1. Click on the disable icon on the relevant isolation.

The isolation will be disabled, but a record of it will be kept in the Isolation History Report, including details of when it was terminated.

Video 1: Disable an isolation

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