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Ethernet Signal Repeater Troubleshooting

Follow the instructions below if an Ethernet Signal Repeater triggers one of the following alarms:

  • Signal repeater AC power failure

  • Signal repeater standby battery low

  • Signal repeater offline

Please contact us if your Ethernet Signal Repeater went offline after your network speed was upgraded.

  1. Locate the signal repeater on site.

  2. Ensure that the:

    • Power cable is securely connected to the bottom of the signal repeater and the wall socket

    • Ethernet cable is securely connected to the bottom of the signal repeater and the network switch

  3. Check the signal repeater LED (see image 1) If it is:

    • Solid green, you have resolved the issue

    • Flashing red, continue with step 5.

    • Solid amber/not lit, try another power socket. If the LED still does not illuminate:

      1. Remove the power supply cable and open the back of the signal repeater (see image 4).

      2. Press the blue button (as highlighted in image 2).

      3. Wait 30 seconds then press the blue button again.

      4. Reattach the backplate.

      5. Return the signal repeater to its original position.

      6. Reconnect the power supply cable. If the LED is:

        • Solid green, you have resolved the issue

        • Flashing red, continue to step 4.

        • Solid amber/still not lit, please contact us.

  4. Check the Ethernet connection LED (see image 3) on the bottom of the signal repeater. If it is:

    • Green, continue to step 5.

    • Not lit, replace the Ethernet cable. After that, if the Ethernet LED is:

      • Green, continue to step 5

      • Still not lit, please contact your site IT team to request they investigate the connectivity

  5. Check the signal repeater LED again (see image 3) If it is:

    1. Green, you have resolved the issue

    2. Red, please contact us.

Signal Repeater Power Cable.jpg

Image 1: Signal repeater LED

Wireless Repeater Troubleshooting.jpg

Image 2: The inside of a signal repeater

Ethernet LED.jpg

Image 3: Ethernet LED

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