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A check is an individual task that you complete on the app.

Image 1: A check

Instructions in Checks

Checks may contain instructions to guide you.

Scroll up/down or tap Show more/Show less to view longer instructions. See image 2.

1000027966 (1).gif

Image 2: View longer instructions

Links in Checks

This feature is currently only available on the CWM Android app

Checks may contain links (in blue) to websites, documents, photos, and videos to guide you.

Tap on the link to open it. Tap the back arrow to return to the check. See image 3.


Image 3: Open a link

You can view all documents assigned to your location via the ellipsis icon. See image 4. See View Documents on the App for instructions.


Image 4: View all documents

Photos in Checks

You can take a photo and attach it to the check if instructed/necessary. See image 5.

See Take a Photo for instructions.

Take a photo.gif

Image 5: Take a photo

Types of Checks

How you complete a check will depend on which type it is. For example, you may be required to select an option, type a response, etc. See below for more details.

When you have completed the check, tap Confirm.

If you are unable to complete the check, tap Cancel to return to the checklist.

Temperature Check

These checks require you to enter a temperature reading using a probe.

If the check:

  • Displays a probe icon, use a Checkit probe. See Probes for instructions.

  • Does not display a probe icon, use your own probes and manually type the reading into the device (see image 6)

Image 6: A manual temperature check

Confirm Instruction

These types of checks require you to confirm that you have completed a task. See image 7.

Image 7: Confirm instruction

List of Options

These checks require you to select an option from a list. See image 8.

You can only select one option.

Image 8: List of options

Free Text Input

These checks require you to type a response. See image 9.

When you tap in the text field, the keypad will appear.

Image 9: Free text input

Free Numeric Input

These checks require you to enter a number. See image 10.

When you tap the text field, the number pad will appear.

If you enter an incorrect number, you may see an error message (see image 11) which displays:

  • The minimum number you can enter, for example 6

  • Multiples of which number you can enter, for example 6: 12,18,24, etc.

  • The maximum number you can enter, for example 60

If so, tap CLOSE, then enter the correct number.

Image 10: Free numeric input

Image 11: Error message

Date Selector

These checks require you to select a date. See image 12.

When you tap the date field, a calendar will appear. Select a date, then tap OK.

Image 12: Date selector

Follow-Up Checks

Your response to a check may trigger a follow-up check if additional action is required. For example, if a check identifies a problem, you may need to type a response explaining the issue. See image 13.

Image 13: A follow-up check

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