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Create & Manage Checkpoints

This feature is currently only available on the Checkit Android App

Create a Single Checkpoint

  1. Login to the Checkit Control Centre. You must be logged in as a Administrator to complete the following.

  2. Select Configuration, Work Management, View/Edit

  3. Select the Advanced Configuration icon on the top-right of the page

  4. The Work Management page opens - select Checkpoints from the left menu.

  5. The page will open with no Checkpoints listed: click in the Location field and select a location from the drop-down list. Then refine your selection by clicking in the Type field and selecting from the Checkpoint types listed.

  6. To update or delete an existing Checkpoint select the ellipsis icon in the Actions column and select from the options presented

  7. To create a new Checkpoint hover over the +Add icon on the right of the page: two options are presented for selection as follows:

    • Add Single Checkpoint - refer to 8 below

    • Add Checkpoints in Bulk - refer to Create Multiple Checkpoints below

  8. Add a Single Checkpoint. Complete the following fields.

    Name: this name will be used when an item of work is presented to a checklist user on the Checkit App. It should be as specific as possible: 'room 100' for example so the Checklist user is in no doubt that they are working on the right 'thing'.

    Description: this is provided to help Administrators distinguish the Checkpoints from on another when there are several with similar names: this will not appear to checklist users.

    Checkpoint Type: click in the field and select the type of Checkpoint this is from the drop down list. Since work is assigned by Checkpoint Type,this is an important assignment and if not completed you will not be able to assign work to this checkpoint. You can still complete the record including generating the QR code and come back later and assign/update the Checkpoint type.

    Location: click in the field and select the Location from the list of the locations already set up in your account. (For details about defining a new location, refer to Locations. )

    Visit Order: when you assign work you specify that a selected check/checklist should be completed at each and all checkpoints of a selected type (only) at a selected location. This field enables you to specify the order in which each of the checkpoints of that type in that location are visited. When you assign work you select the option 'enforce sequence' and it will use the order you specify in this field. So you can specify a visit order that when you assign work you have the option to use or not - so you can use it for some work assignments but not others, depending on the nature of the work involved.

    Proof of Presence: this field is used to set up the QR code you will use to enable Checkit to identify this checkpoint. By default it set to Disabled and the option No Proof of Presence is selected. Select the header row or the V icon to open the field. Select the option 'Create proof of presence'. The 'Proof of presence identity' field opens and this is where you need to enter the identity data (an alphanumeric string) that will be used when you create a QR code. (When scanned a QR code communicates this identity). To have Checkit generate a unique identifier for you, select the GENERATE IDENTITY button. Checkit will generate an identity code in the Proof of presence identity field. Alternatively you can paste you own identity string into the field and Checkit will use that.

  9. Next you will need to create the QR code that you will fix onto the checkpoint (room, object, vehicle ...) so that your staff can scan it. How to do this is described below (refer to Create QR Codes/Labels). You will need a copy of the identity string to create a QR code so if you plan to do that straight away, copy the identity string.

  10. Select Save

Create Multiple Checkpoints with Imported Data

If you organisation already uses QR codes or NFC Tags to manage the items you want Checkit to recognise and load selected checklists for, you may be able to create multiple checkpoints quickly by importing that data into Checkit in a .CSV file format. You must be logged in as a Checkit Administrator to use the import function.

Checkit requires the following fields of information to create a Checkpoint so your CSV file should include columns for each of these and rows with the data for each of the Checkpoints you want to create.

  • Name (maximum 300 alphanumeric characters including spaces)

  • Description (optional)

  • Checkpoint Type

  • Visit Order (optional)

  • Proof of presence identity (optional)

For details of the fields and the required content refer to is the same as described in Checkpoint: create, update and delete (the details are the same as for creating a single Checkpoint).

Import the data as follows.

  1. Login to the Checkit Control Centre. You must be logged in as a Checkit Administrator or Safety Manager to complete the following.

  2. Select Configuration, Work Management, View/Edit

  3. Select the Advanced Configuration icon on the top-right of the page

  4. The Work Management page opens - select Checkpoints from the left menu

  5. Hover over the +Add icon on the right of the page: two options are presented for selection

  6. Select the Bulk Import option

Change a Checkpoint Location

To change the location of a Checkpoint you simply update the Checkpoint as described in the previous section and edit the Location field to select the new Location (which must already exist in Checkit). However, if you want to move several Checkpoints at the same time, select the Checkpoints you want to move using the (orange) selection boxes in the first column of each line in the Work Management page. When you select any checkpoint using these selection boxes, the Bulk Actions dialogue is displayed.

To change the location of a Checkpoint you simply update the Checkpoint as described in the previous section and edit the Location field to select the new Location (which must already exist in Checkit). However, if you want to move several Checkpoints at the same time, select the Checkpoints you want to move using the selection boxes in the first column of each line in the Work Management page. When you select any checkpoint using these selection boxes the Bulk Actions dialogue is displayed.

As shown above, the Checkpoints you select using the selection boxes are echoed in the Bulk Actions dialogue and you can either unassign them all from their current locations so they are not assigned to a location, or select a new location. A drop-down list of existing locations is displayed when you click in the Location field).

Examples scenarios

  1. A fridge currently used for ice-creams in a supermarket will be redeployed to the staff canteen and so be the subject to different types of work. No need to change its QR code, but change the Location in Checkit.

  2. You are not moving any of the physical rooms/objects the Checkpoints represent, but since the number of rooms/objects has grown and become too large a number for a single team of workers to deal with, you decide to sub-divide your location into several sub-locations (shop floor, office floor, ...) and divide the work across several teams of workers: so you move some of the Checkpoints to a new office floor location and when work is assigned to the shop floor location the number of checkpoints to be visited is reduced.

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