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Energy Saving

Energy Saving shows you how to save money and reduce carbon emissions by optimising the temperature of your fridges and freezers.

Energy Saving.PNG

Image 1: Energy Saving

This is an optional feature for customers who use Checkit sensors. Please contact us if you would like to enable it.

How to Access Energy Saving

You must be an Administrator or Safety Manager to access Energy-Saving.

  1. Log in to the Control Centre.

  2. Go to Reports>Operational Insight.

  3. Hover over the Switch Report drop-down menu.

  4. Select Energy-Saving Feature.

  5. Select the location you want to view from the options on the left.

  6. Select the period you want to view.

  7. Select the optimal fridge or freezer temperature. The charts will then update, comparing the optimal temperature with the actual temperature of your assets and displaying potential savings in costs and carbon emissions.

You can view up to 1 year of data.

We calculate cost and carbon emissions based on the UK or US average per kWh. We estimate that you could reduce energy costs and carbon emissions by 5% if you increase the temperature of your equipment by 1°C or 2°F.

To switch from freezer data to fridge data or vice-versa, deselect the optimal temperature of the equipment you are currently viewing, then select the optimal temperature of the other equipment.

Select a period of 1 month or more to analyse trends.

Chart Descriptions



Average Temperature of Assets in the Selected Period

This chart shows the average actual temperature of all fridges or freezers at the specified location within the specified time period.

Average Degrees Difference to Optimal Temperature in Selected Period

This chart shows the average difference between the optimal and actual average temperature at the specified location within the specified period.

Saving Opportunity by Location

This chart shows how much money and carbon you could save per location over the specified period.

To view data on a specific location, click on the location in the table and the other charts will update. To return to the previous view, click the up arrow.

Average Degrees Below Optimal Temperature

This graph plots the average difference between the optimal and actual temperature at the specified location within the specified period.

Saving Opportunity by Asset

This chart shows how much you could save per fridge or freezer over the specified period.

To view data on a specific fridge or freezer, click on an asset in the table. To return to the previous view, deselect the asset.

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