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Allocate a Contact to a Type of Alarm/Alert

You can allocate contacts to a type of alarm/alert if you only want specific individuals to receive certain alarms triggered by a sensor group.

For example, Fatima, John, and Anh may be allocated to high temperature alarms triggered by Haematology Department Cold Storage Sensors.

If you allocate contacts to a type of alarm/alert, we will not notify those on the contact list when these alarms/alerts occur.

We recommend that you allocate at least 3 people to a type of alarm to ensure that at least one of them will be on shift and able to resolve the problem.

We do not call specific contacts that have been assigned to a certain type of alarm. They are notified via SMS and email only.

You can assign up to 15 email addresses and 15 SMS numbers to a type of alarm/alert.

You can assign the same contact to multiple types of alarms. For example, you can assign Fatima to receive high temperature alarms and high humidity alarms.

You must be have the Manage Contacts permission enabled to allocate a contact to a type of alarm/alert. See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the contacts icon on the relevant site.

  3. Click Manage Automatic Notifications. You will see a list of sensor groups, for example, Haematology Department Cold Storage Sensors, Pathology Department Incubation Room Sensors, etc.

  4. Click the view icon on the relevant sensor group. You will see a list of alarm types, for example, high temperature, low pressure, etc.

If you do not see a list of alarm types, please contact us to set up automatic notifications for this department.

  1. Click the pencil icon on the corresponding type of alarm/alert to add a contact’s email address/SMS number as applicable.

  2. Click the pencil icon on a blank field.

  3. Enter the contact’s email address/SMS number as applicable.

  4. Click the check icon.

  5. Click Save.

Video 1: Allocate a contact to a type of alarm/alert

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