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Automatic Notifications (Optional Feature)

Automatic Notifications allow you to assign specific contacts to a type of alarm or alert.

For example, Fatima, John, and Anh may be assigned as the only contacts to receive high temperature alarms triggered by the Pathology Department Incubation Room sensor group (see image 1).

When you assign a contact to a type of alarm/alert, you can specify if you want them to be notified by SMS, and/or email (see image 2).

In the event of this type of alarm/alert, we:

  • Will notify only the specific individuals 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year

  • Will not notify those on the contact list

Automated Notifications.PNG

Image 1: Example automatic notifications set up

Automatic Notifications.PNG

Image 2: Automatic notification contacts

We do not call specific contacts that have been assigned to a certain type of alarm. They are notified via SMS and email only.

We recommend that you assign at last 3 people to a type of alarm to ensure that at least one of them will be on shift and able to resolve the problem.

You can assign up to 15 email addresses and 15 SMS contact numbers to a type of alarm/alert.

If a member of staff leaves your company, please ensure that you remove the contact from the type of alarm/alert.

You can assign the same contact to multiple types of alarms. For example, you can assign Fatima to receive high temperature alarms and high humidity alarms.

A contact can be assigned to both a contact list and a type of alarm. For example, John may be assigned to both the Haematology Department Working Hours Contact List and High Temperature Alarms.

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