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Asset Health & Availability

Asset Health & Availability measures the performance of your fridges and freezers, highlighting equipment in poor health. This enables you to take preventative action to avoid interruption in your operations and loss of revenue.

Image 1: Asset Health & Availability

Asset Intelligence (including Asset Health & Availability) is an optional feature. Please contact us to enable it.

How to Access Asset Health & Availability

To access Asset Intelligence (including Asset Health & Availability), you must be:

  • A Customer Administrator

  • Assigned the Asset Intelligence role (see Modify a User for instructions on how to assign this role)

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click Asset Intelligence at the bottom left of the page.

  3. Use the tabs at the bottom of the page to navigate between:

    • Asset Health

    • Availability

Asset Health Tab

The Asset Health tab rates fridges and freezers and highlights units which show poor, general, and good performance based on anomalous refrigeration behaviour (see image 2).

To analyse your data:

  1. Select the date range you want to view.

You can show data from up to 3 months ago.

  1. (If applicable) If your fridges and freezers only operate at certain hours of the day, enter the start and end times, for example, 09:00 - 17:00.

  2. Enter the ideal fridge and freezer temperature. The charts will compare this to the actual temperatures of these assets over the period.

  3. Select which type of asset you want to view.

  4. Filter data by site/department.

See image 3.

Image 2: Asset Health tab

Asset Health Filters.png

Image 3: Asset Health filters

Chart Descriptions

The tab contains 4 charts. See the table below for a description of each chart.



Health Rating

This chart displays the total number of fridges/freezers in good, general, and poor health.

To view information on the fridges/freezers in this total, click on a flag and the assets will be listed in the chart to the right (see image 4). To return to the previous view, deselect the flag.

Click Flag.gif

Image 4: View more information

Asset List Sorted by Health

This chart displays data on all fridges or freezers including:

  • Sensor name

  • Site

  • Department

  • Predicted range (predicted temperature swing based on recent performance)

  • % Outside range (outside the predicted temperature swing)

  • % Over ideal temperature

  • Average degrees

To view data on individual fridges/freezers, click on a sensor in the table and the other charts will update. To return to the previous view, deselect the sensor.

To sort data in ascending/descending order, click the arrow in a column header.

Distribution of Temperature Reads

This chart displays:

  • The average temperature of units

  • The number of readings taken at different temperatures

Average Temperature Against Range for Selected Time Period

This chart displays:

  • Temperature readings in blue

  • Predicted range (predicted temperature swing based on recent performance) in green

  • Temperature readings outside the predicted range in red (if you are viewing data on an individual unit)

Availability Tab

The Availability tab highlights fridges and freezers that were frequently unavailable (out of service) and the estimated sales opportunity lost as a result (see image 5).

To analyse your data:

  1. Select the date range you want to view.

You can show data from up to 3 months ago.

  1. Enter the average value of content (per unit).

  2. Enter the inventory turnover per month (the number of times fridges & freezers are replenished per month).

  3. Enter the cost of sales in % (per unit).

See image 6.


Image 5: Availability tab

Asset Availability Filters.png

Image 6: Availability filters

Chart Descriptions

The tab contains 4 charts. See the table below for a description of each chart.



KPIs for Selected Period

This chart displays 3 key performance indicators that summarise availability across all selected sites:

  • Overall availability (the percentage of time units were in service)

  • Value of opportunity lost (the amount lost as a result of units being out of service)

  • Opportunity lost in days (the total number of days units were out of service)

Opportunity Lost by Location

This chart displays the following information on each site:

  • Site name

  • Availability (the percentage of time units were in service)

  • Off days (the total number of days units were out of service)

  • Opportunity lost (the amount lost as a result of units being out of service)

To view data on individual sites, click on a site in the table and the other charts will update. To return to the previous view, click the up arrow.

To sort data in ascending/descending order, click the arrow in a column header.

Day Off Per Period

This graph plots the number of units out of service on each day.

Opportunity Lost in Days by Asset

This chart displays the following information on each unit:

  • Site

  • Department

  • Asset name

  • Percentage of time available (in service)

  • Number of off days (days out of service)

To view data on individual fridges/freezers, click on an asset in the table and the other charts will update. To return to the previous view, deselect the asset.

To sort data in ascending/descending order, click the arrow in a column header.

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