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Modify a User

You can modify a user if you want to edit their details and grant/revoke permissions.

You can also assign/unassign user roles to give/revoke access to Asset Intelligence (optional feature) and Single Sign-On (optional feature) configuration.

You must be a Customer Administrator to view/modify users.

If your account has Single Sign-On (SSO) (i.e. users log in to the CAM+ Website using their work password), you cannot edit a user’s email address, username, password, or password expiry on the CAM+ Website. Please contact your IT manager and request that they do so via your identity provider account.

Asset Intelligence and Single Sign-On are optional features. Please contact us to enable them.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click Manage Users.

  3. Click the view icon on your company name. You will see a list of all users in your company.

  4. Find the user in the list that you want to modify.

Use the page numbers/ arrows above the table to browse the list of users.

You can search for a user by typing their first name in the Username Filter List field on the left.

  1. To view/modify the users' details (i.e., name, contact number, etc.) and role:

    1. Click on the user. The user will be highlighted in grey.

    2. Click the modify user icon.

    3. Edit any fields as necessary

    4. (If applicable) Assign/unassign the following role(s) to grant/revoke access to optional features (see image 1):

      • Asset Intelligence: Can only be assigned to Customer Administrators - allows the user to view the Asset Intelligence Dashboard.

      • SSO Admin: Can be assigned to both Customer Administrators and Standard Users - allows the user to configure Single Sign-On.

    5. Click Edit User.

    6. Enter the 3 digits requested from your PIN.

    7. Click Submit.

  2. To view/modify the users' permissions:

    1. Click on the permissions icon on the user you want to modify.

    2. To grant/revoke a permission, check/uncheck the box for the relevant department(s). Alternatively, to grant/revoke the permission in all departments of all sites, check/uncheck the box in the column header.

    3. Click Confirm Changes.

    4. Enter the 3 digits requested from your PIN.

    5. Click Submit.

See User Permissions for a full description of all user permissions.

You can enable/revoke all permissions for all departments of all sites by checking/unchecking the Site/ Group box on the top left of the table.

Video 1: Modify a user


Image 1: User roles

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