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Asset Intelligence (Optional Feature)

Asset Intelligence provides analytics from across your sites, helping you monitor equipment performance, take preventative action to avoid operational interruptions, and optimize energy usage for cost saving and sustainability.

It consists of two parts:

  • Asset Health & Availability: an overview of the performance of your fridges and freezers, highlighting equipment in poor health

  • Energy Saving: shows you how to save money and reduce carbon emissions by optimising the temperature of your fridges and freezers

Click a link above for more details.

Asset Intelligence is an optional feature. Please contact us to enable it.

Image 1: Asset Health & Availability

Energy Saving.PNG

Image 2: Energy Saving

How to Access Asset Intelligence

Access to Asset Intelligence is granted on an individual basis. If you require access, please ask your company’s Checkit representative to contact us.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click Asset Intelligence at the bottom left of the page.

  3. Select an option from the Report dropdown menu:

    • Asset Health & Availability

    • Energy Saving Feature


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