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Sensors send data to the WARP via wireless network.

The signal strength is shown on the WARP display screen. See image 1.

Transmitter signal strength.JPG

Image 1: Sensor signal strength

If a Sensor Loses Connection

If a sensor loses connection with the WARP or a signal repeater (for example, if items are blocking the signal), the sensor:

  • Will continue to record data and temporarily store them in its internal memory until communication with the WARP is re-established

  • Will be unable to trigger an alert/alarm if it detects that parameters such as temperature, humidity, etc. are out of range

  • Will try to reconnect automatically to:

    • The WARP or signal repeater that it was previously connected to

    • Any other signal repeaters within range of the sensor (if applicable)

  • Will display the message ‘SEARCHING’ on the WARP display panel. See image 2.

Transmitter lost connection.JPG

Image 2: Lost connection

If the Sensor is Unable to Reconnect Automatically

The sensor will usually reconnect automatically without the need for intervention. However, if the issue persists:

  • Relevant contacts will receive a transmitter offline alarm (see Transmitter Troubleshooting for instructions on how to resolve the alarm)

  • The message ‘OFFLINE’ will appear on the WARP display panel. See image 3.

Transmitter offline.JPG

Image 3: Transmitter offline

Sensors can store data for up to 7 days if they lose connection with the WARP. After this point, data will be overwritten.

We strongly recommend that you respond to alarms as soon as possible to avoid potential data loss.

When Connection Is Restored

When connection is restored, the backlog of data will be sent to the WARP and cloud automatically within 48 hours.

Please contact us if you need the data urgently.

If this backlog of data contains out-of-range readings, for example, indicating that a sensor exceeded its high temperature threshold, the WARP will not trigger an alarm/alert.

The WARP only triggers alarms/alerts from live data to ensure that alarms accurately reflect a sensor’s most recent status.

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