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The WARP connects to the internet via Ethernet cable. See image 1.

An icon will be shown on the top of the WARP display panel to indicate that it is doing so. See image 2.

Remoe Ethernet cable.JPG

Image 1: Ethernet connection

Ethernet connection.JPG

Image 2: Ethernet connection icon

If the WARP Loses Internet Connection

If the WARP loses internet connection, for example, if the Ethernet cable is disconnected or firewall settings are changed:

  • The WARP will continue to receive data from sensors as usual; however, the cloud will not receive a copy of this data until the WARP is back online

  • The WARP will continue to trigger alarms as usual; however, contacts will not be notified of these alarms, nor will they be visible on the CAM+ website until the WARP is back online

  • You can continue to view the latest sensor readings and any active alarms on the WARP display panel

  • An icon will be shown on the top of the WARP display panel indicating that there is no connection (see image 3)

No ethernet.JPG

Image 3: No Ethernet connection icon

If the WARP is Unable to Reconnect Automatically

If the issue persists, relevant contacts will receive a monitoring alarm (see WARP Troubleshooting for instructions on how to resolve the alarm).

When Connection Is Restored

When the WARP comes back online, the backlog of data will be sent to the cloud automatically within 48 hours.

Please contact us if you need the data urgently.

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