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Create an Isolation

You can create an isolation if you want to temporarily suspend alarms and alerts triggered by a sensor.

You may want to do so if a unit is going to be temporarily out of use or undergoing scheduled maintenance.

You must have the Manage Isolations permission enabled to create an isolation. See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the sensor icon on the relevant department.

  3. Click the isolation icon on the relevant sensor.

The icon will appear:

  • Green if the sensor currently has no isolations configured

  • Amber if the sensor has a pending isolation

  • Red if the sensor is currently in isolation

  1. (If applicable) If the sensor already has isolations configured, click the add isolation icon.

  2. To create a:

    • One-time isolation:

      1. Select Once in the Isolation Type dropdown menu.

      2. Select a start date and time, for example, 24/09/2024 at 14:00.

      3. Select an end date and time, for example, 24/09/2024 at 15:00.

    • Recurring isolation on a specific day of the week:

      1. Select Weekly in the Isolation Type dropdown menu,.

      2. Select a start date for example, 30/09/2024.

      3. Select the day of the week you would like the isolation to occur.

      4. Select a start and end time, for example, 09:00-11:00.

  3. (Optional) Add some comments explaining the reason for the isolation, for example, ‘scheduled maintenance’.

  4. Click Add Isolation.

  5. Enter the 3 digits requested from your pin.

  6. Click Submit.

Any modifications you make will be visible in the User Audit Report.

Video 1: Create a one-time isolation

Video 2: Create a recurring isolation

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