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Disable/Re-Enable a User's Account

You can disable/re-enable a user’s account if they you want to temporarily suspend/reinstate the user’s access to the CAM+ website.

You must be a Customer Administrator to disable/re-enable a user’s account.

If your account has Single Sign On (SSO) (i.e. users log in to the CAM+ website using their work password), you cannot disable/re-enable a user’s account on the CAM+ website. Please contact your IT manager and request that they do so via your identity provider account.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click Manage Users.

  3. Click the view icon on your company name. You will see a list of all users in your company.

  4. Find the user in the list whose account you want to disable/re-enable.

Users will display a:

  • Green thumbs up icon if their account is currently enabled

  • Red thumbs down icon if their account is currently disabled

Use the page numbers/ arrows above the table to browse the list of users.

You can search for a user by typing their first name in the Username Filter List field on the left.

You can sort users by clicking the arrows in header of the thumbs up/down column.

  1. Click the thumb icon and uncheck/check the box to disable/re-enable the user.

  2. Click the confirm changes icon.

  3. Enter the 3 digits requested from your pin.

  4. Click Submit.

If a user’s account has been disabled and they try to log in, they will be denied access and see a note stating why. See image 1.

Video 1: Disable a user’s account

Video 2: Re-enable a user’s account

Account disabled.PNG

Image1: Account disabled

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