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Users are people who have access to the Checkit system.

Types of Users

There are two types of users:


Image 1: A user

Customer Administrators

Customer Administrators are the only type of user that can:

Customer Administrators have all permissions enabled across all departments in all sites.

Standard Users

Standard Users are granted a custom set of permissions for each department as applicable.

They can have permissions granted in multiple departments across multiple sites.

See User Permissions below for details.

User Permissions

See the table below for a full description of each user permission.



General Access

If you have this permission enabled, you can:

Manage Library

If you have this permission enabled, you can manage the documents library (i.e., save, upload, and rename, files).

Manage Incidents

If you have this permission enabled, you can complete the first three fields of an incident audit (Cause Identified, Corrective Action Taken, Incident Resolved)

Approve Incidents

If you have this permission enabled, you can sign off an incident audit (i.e., close the incident) by completing the final field (Supervisor Sign Off).

Manage Settings

If you have this permission enabled, you can manage setpoints (i.e., modify alarm setpoints and modify alert setpoints).

Sign Reports

If you have this permission enabled, you can sign reports in the documents library.

Manage Isolations

If you have this permission enabled, you can manage isolations (i.e., create. modify, and delete isolations)

Access Dashboard

If you have this permission enabled, you can view the alarm dashboard.

The alarm dashboard is an optional feature.

Alarm Contacts

If you have this permission enabled, you can manage contact lists (i.e., create, allocate, modify, disable, and delete contacts and modify contact lists).

Automatic Notifications

If you have this permission enabled, you can manage automatic notifications (i.e., allocate a contact to a type of alarm/alert and remove a contact from a type of alarm/alert).

Automatic notifications are an optional feature.

Multi Sign Off

If you have this permission enabled in addition to the:

Multi sign off is an optional feature.

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