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Single Sign-On (Optional Feature)

Single Sign-On (SSO) allows you to log in to the CAM+ Website using your work login credentials, so you have one less password to remember.

SSO has a few implications on how you log in to the CAM+ Website and manage users. See below for details.

Single Sign-On is an optional feature. Please contact us if you would like to enable it.

Log in to the CAM+ Website Using Your Work Password

  1. Go to

  2. Click Sign in via SSO.

  3. Enter your email address.

  4. Click Sign In.

  5. If you are already logged in to your work account, you will be taken to the CAM+ Website homepage. If not, enter your email address and password (and follow any multi-factor authentication steps, if applicable).

Video 1: Log in with SSO

Forgot Your Password

If you forget your password, click the link in the login window of your identity provider (the company that manages your work account, for example, Microsoft Azure, Okta, Google Workspace, etc.) to reset it. See image 1.

This will redirect you to your identity provider's website.

Follow the steps on screen to reset your password.

Forgot password 2.PNG

Image 1: Forgot password

Managing Users With Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On has a few implications on how you manage users.

See below for full details.

Add a User

Your IT manager must first register a new user with your identity provider.

Once they have done so, a Customer Administrator can approve the user on the CAM+ Website, then add the user’s details and assign them permissions as usual. See Add a User/Customer Administrator (Accounts with Single Sign-On) for instructions.

Video 2: Add a user

Password Expiration

User passwords will only expire if they are configured to do so in your identity provider account.

A Customer Administrator cannot reactivate a Single Sign-On (SSO) user’s password on the CAM+ Website if it has expired. Your IT manager must do so via your identity provider account.

PIN Expiration

User PINs will expire after a set period of between 1-365 days as usual. This period is set when a Customer Administrator adds the user on the CAM+Website.

If a user’s PIN has expired, a Customer Administrator can reset it on the CAM+ Website. See Reactivate a User’s Password/PIN for instructions.

Modify a User’s Email Address

If you want to edit a user’s email address, your IT manager must do so via your identity provider account.

You cannot edit a user’s email address on the CAM+ Website.

If your IT manager edits a user’s email address in your identity provider account, a new user will be created on the CAM+ Website. A Customer Administrator must then add the user again. See Add a User/Customer Administrator (Accounts with Single Sign-On) for instructions.

Block/ Delete a User

If you want to block or delete a user, your IT manager must do so via your identity provider account.

Customer Administrators cannot block or delete a user on the CAM+ Website if you use SSO.

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