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Incident Audit Report

An Incident Audit Report is a record of all actions taken to resolve an alarm.

You can save a copy of the report to: the documents library, your device, or both.

Incident Audit Report.PNG

Image 1: Incident Audit Report

View an Incident Audit Report

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the sensor icon on the relevant department.

The sensor icon will appear:

  • Flashing red if sensors in the department have alarms without the cause identified

  • Flashing amber if sensors in the department have alarms all with the cause identified

  1. Click View Incidents. You will see a table of incidents ordered from most recent including:

    • Alarm ID

    • Alarm type

    • Sensor reference

    • Sensor description

    • Receive time

    • Call time (if applicable)

You can filter the incidents using the fields in the blue box on the left of the screen.

  1. Click the audit icon on the incident that you want to view.

The audit icon will appear:

  • Red if no fields of the incident audit have been completed

  • Amber if the incident audit is partially complete

  • Green if the incident audit is complete

  1. Click the view report icon.

Video 1: View an Incident Audit Report

Save a Copy of an Incident Audit Report

You must have the Manage Library permission enabled to save a file to the documents library. See View/Edit Your User Profile to see which permissions you have enabled.

  1. Click Report.

  2. Enter the 3 digits requested from your pin.

If you have forgotten your pin, you can reset it on the CAM+ website login page.

  1. Click Submit.

  2. (Optional) Add some comments to the report.

  3. Click Confirm.

  4. Select where you want to save the report:

    • To electronic library (to the documents library)

    • To printer (to your device)

    • To printer & electronic library (to both)

  5. Click Confirm.

Video 2: Save a copy of an Incident Audit Report

If you save an incident audit report to the documents library, it will be filed under Documents Library> System Users>Customer Reports.

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