You can access the CAM+ Website from your web browser.
How you log in depends on whether you have a separate Checkit password or you log in with your work password.
Follow the relevant instructions below.
Image 1: Login page
Log In Using a Separate Checkit Password
To log in using a separate Checkit password:
Go to
Enter your username and password.
Click LOGIN.
Video 1: Log in using a separate Checkit password
Your username is the same as your email address.
If you cannot remember your password, see Reset Your Password for instructions on how to update it.
If you enter your Checkit password incorrectly too many times, you will be required to reset your password. See Reset Your Password for instructions.
If your Checkit password and/or PIN code has expired (see image 2), please ask a Customer Administrator to reactivate them. See Reactive a User's Password/PIN for instructions.
When you log in with a separate Checkit password for the first time, you are required to accept the Checkit Terms & Conditions and reset your password. See video 2.
Image 2: Checkit password/PIN expired
Video 2: Accept T&C and reset password on first login
Log In Using Your Work Password
To log in using your work password:
Go to
Click Sign in via SSO.
Enter your email address.
Click Sign In.
If you are already logged in to your work account, you will be taken to the CAM+ Website homepage. If not, enter your email address and password (and follow any multi-factor authentication steps, if applicable).
Video 3: Log in with SSO
If you cannot remember your password, click thelink on the login window and follow the steps on screen to reset it. See image 3.
If your:
Work password has expired, please contact your IT manager and request that they reactivate it in your identity provider account
PIN code has expired (see image 4), please ask a Customer Administrator to reset it on the CAM+ Website (see Reactive a User's Password/PIN for instructions)
Image 3: Reset work password
Image 4: PIN code expired
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