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Modify an Alert Setpoint (Optional Feature)

You can modify an alert setpoint if you want to adjust a sensor’s low/high setpoint and/or low/high delay period.

Alert setpoints are an optional feature. Please contact us to enable them.

We create alert setpoints for you initially and you can modify them from then on as necessary.

If a unit is going to be temporarily out of use or undergoing scheduled maintenance., instead of modifying the sensor’s setpoint, you can create an isolation (a scheduled period of time when the setpoint does not apply).

You must have the Manage Settings permission enabled to modify a setpoint. See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the setpoint icon on the relevant department.

  3. Click the alerts icon. You will see a list of sensors in the department.

  4. Click the low/high setpoint or low/high delay on the relevant sensor.

  5. Modify as necessary.

  6. Click Confirm.

  7. (Optional) Enter a comment explaining why you modified the setpoint/delay.

  8. Enter the 3 characters requested from your pin.

  9. Click Submit.

Any modifications you make will be visible in the User Audit Report.

Video 1: Modify an alert setpoint

Alert Delays Under 5 Minutes

If you set an alert delay of less than 5 minutes (for example, 1 minute), the alert will appear on the WARP display panel after this delay.

However, it may take up to 5 minutes for the WARP to send these data to the cloud. Once it has done so, we will notify the relevant contacts.

If the sensor comes back in range before 5 minute, we will not notify the relevant contacts.

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