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Power Supply

The WARP runs on AC power supply.

An icon will be shown on the top of the WARP display panel to indicate that it is doing so. See image 1.

AC power.JPG

Image 1: AC power supply icon

If the WARP Loses AC Power Supply

The WARP contains a rechargeable standby battery.

If the WARP loses AC power supply, for example, if the power cable is disconnected or there is power outage:

  • It will automatically switch to its standby battery

  • An icon will be shown on the WARP display panel to indicate that it is doing so (see image 2)

  • Relevant contacts will receive an AC power failure alarm (see WARP Troubleshooting for instructions on how to resolve the alarm)

Battery power.JPG

Image 2: Battery icon

If the WARP Standby Battery Is Low

The WARP standby battery lasts for up to 7 hours.

If the battery is:

If the WARP Standby Battery Runs Out

If the WARP is not reconnected to the AC power supply and the standby battery runs out, the WARP will power off.

If the issue persists, relevant contacts will receive a monitoring alarm (see WARP Troubleshooting for instructions on how to resolve the alarm).

While the WARP is powered off, sensors will continue to record data and temporarily store these data in their internal memory until communication with the WARP is re-established.

Transmitters can store data for up to 7 days if the WARP is offline. After this point, data will be overwritten.

We strongly recommend that you respond to incidents as soon as possible to avoid potential data loss.

When the WARP is Powered On Again

When the WARP is powered on again, the backlog of data will be sent to the WARP and cloud automatically within 48 hours.

Please contact us if you need the data urgently.

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