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Sensor Summary Report

A Sensor Summary Report a record of an individual or all sensors' minimum, maximum, and average readings (and Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT), if applicable).

You can save a copy of the report to: the documents library, your device, or both.

You can also export the summary of an individual sensor’s readings to Excel.

Sensor Summary Report.PNG

Image 1: Sensor Summary Report

View a Sensor Summary Report

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the sensor icon on the relevant department.

  3. To view a summary of:

    • An individual sensor, click the sensor icon on the specific sensor

    • All sensors in the department, click the sensor icon on the any sensor

  4. You will see a table on the right containing a summary of the individual sensor’s readings since 00:00.

  5. Use the following fields on the left to filter data:

    • Calendar -to view readings from a specific date range & time

    • Hour - to view readings from a specific hour of a specific day

    • 24 hours - to view readings from the last 24 hours

    • 7 days - to view readings from the last 7 days

    • 30 days - to view readings from the last 30 days

You can select a date range of up to 2 months.

Use the left and right arrows to view readings from the previous/next day.

Video 1: View Sensor Summary Report

Save a Copy of a Sensor Summary Report

You must have the Manage Library permission enabled to save a file to the documents library. See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

  1. Click Report.

  2. Select an option:

    • Summary values this sensor (to generate a report containing a summary of the individual sensor’s readings)

    • Summary values all sensors (to generate a report containing a summary of the all sensors' readings in the department)

  3. Click Print.

  4. (Optional) Add some comments to the report.

  5. Click Confirm.

  6. Select where you want to save the report:

    • To electronic library (to the documents library)

    • To printer (to your device)

    • To printer & electronic library (to both)

  7. Click Confirm.

Video 2: Save a copy of a Sensor Summary Report

If you save a Sensor Summary Report to the documents library, it will be filed under Documents Library> System Users>Reports Pending Secondary Sign Off.

Export the Data in a Sensor Summary Report

You can only export the summary data of individual sensors.

  1. Click Export.

  2. Select Summaries table.

  3. Click Export.

Video 3: Export data from a Sensor Summary Report

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