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Add a User (Accounts with Single Sign On)

You can add a user if you want to grant an individual access to the CAM+ website.

Follow the instructions below if your account does use Single Sign On (SSO) (i.e. users log in to the CAM+ website with their work password).

If your account does not use Single Sign On (SSO) (i.e. users log in to the CAM+ website with a separate Checkit password), see Add a User (Accounts without Single Sign On).

Ensure that your IT manager has registered the user with your identity provider (for example, Microsoft Azure, Okta, Auth0, etc.) before completing the steps below.

You must be a Customer Administrator to add a user.

Step 1: Approve the User

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click Manage Users.

  3. Click the view icon on your company name.

  4. Click the approve users icon. You will see a list of users that are available to add to the CAM+ website.

The number of users pending approval will appear next to the approve users icon in red (see image 1).

If you cannot find the user in the list, please contact your IT manager and request that they register the user with your identity provider, for example, Microsoft Azure, Okta, Auth0, etc

  1. Click the approve icon.


Image 1: Number of user pending approval

Step 2: Enter the User’s Details

  1. Select a user role from the dropdown menu:

    • Customer Admin (can manage other users)

    • User (cannot manage other users)

  2. Complete all remaining applicable fields (see the table 1 at the bottom of this page for a description of each field).

  3. Check the box on your company name.

  4. Click Add User.

  5. Enter the 3 digits requested from your pin.

  6. Click Submit.

Step 3: Grant the User Permissions

  1. Find the user that you just created in the table on screen.

Use the page numbers/ arrows above the table to browse the list of users.

You can search for a user by typing their first name in the Username Filter List field on the left.

  1. Click the permissions icon on the user.

  2. To grant the user a permission, check the box for the relevant department(s). Alternatively, to grant the permission in all department of all sites, check the box in the column header.

See User Permissions for a full description of all user permission.

You can enable all permissions for all departments of all sites by clicking the Site/ Group box on the top left of the table.

  1. Click Confirm Changes.

  2. Enter the 3 digits requested from your pin.

  3. Click Submit.

Table 1: Description of User Details Fields


Details / Description


Details / Description


For example, Mr., Mrs., Dr, etc.


For example, John, Fatima, Anh, etc.


For example, Smith, Rashid, Nguyen, etc.

Contact No.

This can be a landline or cell phone number

The user will not receive alarm/alert notifications by entering this number. See Create a Contact if you would like the user to receive alarm/alert notifications.


This field will already be completed, for example

You cannot edit this field.

The user will not receive alarm/alert notifications to this email address unless they are added as a contact. See Create a Contact if you would like the user to receive alarm/alert notifications.

Job Role

For example, lab technician, research assistant, etc.


This field will already be completed, for example

You cannot edit this field.

User Password

This field will already be completed.

The user will log in to the CAM+ website with their work password.

Pin Code

Create a pin code for the user.

A pin code is a 9 digit code the user must enter when completing certain tasks on the CAM+ website such as updating an incident audit, editing isolations, etc.

The pin code must have 9 digits, contain only numbers and/or letter, and not contain special characters.

Please make a note of the pin you created for the user and give it to them.

The user can reset their pin later if they want. See Reset Your Pin for instructions.

Account Expiry

This field will be greyed out.

You cannot configure when a user’s password will expire on the CAM+ website.

Your IT manager must configure this in your identity provider account.

Pin Expiry

Enter the number of days that you want the user's pin to be valid (between 1 and 365).

Only enter numbers.

We recommend that the pin and access expiry be the same.

After this time, the user’s pin will expire, and a Customer Administrator will need to reactivate it. See Reactivate a User’s Pin/Password for instructions.


For example, Haematology Department, Pathology Department, etc.

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