Create a Hot Sensor Safety Rule
If a Hot Sensor is exposed to temperatures above 150˚C (302˚F), it may result in fire, explosion, and a severe burn hazard.
It is essential that a safety rule is applied to this type of sensor so that you are alerted immediately if they exceed 100˚C.
You must be a Safety Manager to create a rule. See User Roles for more details.
You cannot install a Hot Sensor unless you apply a safety rule.
Log in to the Control Centre
Go to Configuration>Automated Monitoring>View/Edit.
Click the Rules tab.
Click +Add new.
In the Rule name field, type: Hot Hold Safety Rule
Select Sensor (Temperature) from the Sensor type dropdown menu.
Select Daily in the Date frequency field.
Ensure that the Time Slot is set from 00:00 - 23:59.
Set the minimum temperature as 0˚C/32°F and recovery time as 0 minutes.
Se the maximum temperature as 100˚C/ 212°F and recovery time as 0 minutes.
Click Save.