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Create a Hot Sensor Safety Rule

If a Hot Sensor is exposed to temperatures above 150˚C (302˚F), it may result in fire, explosion, and a severe burn hazard.

It is essential that a safety rule is applied to this type of sensor so that you are alerted immediately if they exceed 100˚C.

You must be a Safety Manager to create a rule. See User Roles for more details.

You cannot install a Hot Sensor unless you apply a safety rule.

  1. Log in to the Control Centre

  2. Go to Configuration>Automated Monitoring>View/Edit.

  3. Click the Rules tab.

  4. Click +Add new.

  5. In the Rule name field, type: Hot Hold Safety Rule

  6. Select Sensor (Temperature) from the Sensor type dropdown menu.

  7. Select Daily in the Date frequency field.

  8. Ensure that the Time Slot is set from 00:00 - 23:59.

  9. Set the minimum temperature as 0˚C/32°F and recovery time as 0 minutes.

  10. Se the maximum temperature as 100˚C/ 212°F and recovery time as 0 minutes.

  11. Click Save.

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