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Create a Schedule

You will need to create a schedule if you add new on-site procedures.

Only Safety Managers can create schedules. See User Roles for more details.

Click here to watch video instructions on creating a schedule.

  1. Log in to the Control Centre.

  2. Go to Configuration>Work Management>View/Edit.

  3. Click the When tab at the top of the screen.

  4. Click +Add new.

  5. Enter a name for your schedule. Use a descriptive name such as “Daily 08:00”.

  6. Use the drop-down menus to configure the schedule. Note: See table below for full description.

  7. Click Save.




Date frequency


Specifies that the checklist will be carried out every day.


Specify which day(s) you want a checklist to be carried out every week, for example, every Monday and Friday.


Specify if you want a checklist to be carried out:

  • On specific date(s), for example, on the 1st of every month

  • On specific day(s), for example, the 2nd Monday of every month

Use the +Add date button to add more dates/days.


Specify if you want a checklist to be carried out:

  • On specific date(s) of specific months, for example on the 1st of January every year

  • On specific day(s) of specific months, for example, the 1st Monday in January every year

Use the +Add date button to add more dates/days.

Time frequency


Specify the time you want a checklist to be carried out, for example, at 14:00.

Several times

Use the +Add time button to specify which times you want a checklist to be carried out, for example, at 08:00 and 20:00.


Specify at what intervals you want a checklist to be carried out and within what time frame, for example, every three hours between 09:00 and 18:00.

Time to complete

Specify how long your staff have to complete a checklist, for example, 15 minutes.

You can set a limit in minutes, hours or days.

Overdue checklists are cancelled after

Specify how long an overdue checklist should remain on devices before being cancelled, for example, one hour.

You can set a limit in minutes, hours or days.

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