Scheduled checklists (checklists which must be completed within a specified time)
Any unscheduled checklists in progress (under the incomplete heading)
If any checklists are due, incomplete, or overdue, they will appear under the corresponding headings. You will also see any checklists that are up next.
See image 1. See below for more details.
Tap on a checklist to open it and complete work.
Image 1: Scheduled work screen
If no checklists are due, incomplete, or overdue, you will see a message indicating when work is next due, and a link ‘Start other Work’ that takes you to the unscheduled work screen.
See image 2.
Image 2: Scheduled work screen (no work due)
Work Status
If a scheduled checklist has not been completed in time, it will appear under the Overdue heading. Safety Managers and Supervisors will also receive an overdue alert
Each checklist will display how much time you have remaining to complete the work in minutes (m), hours (h), and days (d). See image 3.
If you do not start the checklist within this time, it will be cancelled and you will not be able to complete it until it is next due.
Image 3: Overdue checklists
Partially completed scheduled and unscheduled checklists appear under the Incomplete heading.
If the checklist is scheduled, it will display how much time you have remaining to complete the work in minutes (m), hours (h), and days (d). See image 4.
If you do not complete the work within this time, it will become overdue.
Image 4: Incomplete checklists
Scheduled checklists appear under the Due heading when they need to be completed.
Each checklist will display how much time you have remaining to complete the work in minutes (m), hours (h), and days (d). See image 5.
If you do not start the checklist in time, it will become overdue.
Image 5: Due checklists
Up Next
Scheduled checklists that will be due within the next hour appear under the Up next heading.
Each checklist will display when the work will be due. See image 6.
You cannot complete these checklists until they are due.
Image 6: Up next
Collaborate on Work with Other Team Members
Checklist under the Due, Incomplete, and Overdue headings will display a message (see image 7) if another team member:
Is looking at the checklist
Is currently working on the checklist
Has worked on the checklist and when
Has started the checklist as unscheduled work
Tap on these checklists to collaborate on the work with the other team member. See Real-Time Collaboration for more details.
Image 7: Messages displaying other team members work
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