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Alarm Dashboard (Optional Feature)

The Alarm Dashboard displays all active sensor alarms in a department.

Alarm Dashboard.PNG

Image 1: The alarm dashboard

You must have the Access Dashboard permission enabled to view the Alarm Dashboard. See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the sensor icon on the relevant department.

  3. Click Dashboard Displays. You will see:

    • A scrolling list of sensor alarms on the top part of the screen with details including:

      • Type of alarm

      • Sensor number

      • Sensor reading that triggered the alarm

      • Elapsed time in alarm

    • A table on the bottom part of the screen displaying the total number of sensor alarms over the past 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days divided by alarm stage:

      • Unactioned (with no fields of the incident audit completed)

      • Actioned (with the first or first and second fields of the incident audit completed)

      • Resolved (with the third field of the incident audit completed and awaiting sign off)

Video 1: View alarm dashboard

Click the back button on your web browser to return to return to the sensor list page.

See Sensor Alarms for a description of each type of sensor alarm.

See Complete an Incident Audit for instructions on how to record what you have done resolve an alarm.

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