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Complete an Incident Audit

You can update an incident audit as you deal with an alarm so that other staff are aware of its status.

You only need to complete an incident audit for sensor alarms and certain types of system alarms. Alerts do not require the completion of an incident audit.

You must have:

  • Manage Incidents permission enabled to complete the first 3 fields of an incident audit (Cause Identified, Corrective Action Taken, Incident Resolved)

  • Approve Incidents permission enabled to complete the final field in an incident audit (Supervisor Sign Off)

See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the sensor icon on the relevant department.

The sensor and incident icon will appear:

  • Flashing red if the sensor has any incidents without the cause identified

  • Flashing amber if the sensor has incidents all with the cause identified

  1. Click the incident icon on the relevant sensor. Alternatively, click View Incidents at the bottom left of the screen to view all incidents in the department.

Filter the incidents using the fields in the blue box on the left of the screen.

Click the arrow icons in the table header to sort incidents by: alarm ID, received time, or call time.

  1. Click the audit icon on the incident that you want to update.

Click the graph icon to view when the alarm occurred.

  1. To update the status of an incident, click the pencil icon to the right of the applicable field:

    • Cause Identified

    • Corrective Action Taken

    • Incident Resolved

    • Supervisor Sign Off

By completing the Supervisor Sign Off field, you will close the incident. Only do so if you are certain that the alarm has been resolved.

  1. Type an update, for example, fridge overloaded, items relocated to another unit, etc. Alternatively, click Standard Comments and select a standardised response.

Please contact us if you would like to add to/modify your standard comments.

  1. Click Confirm.

  2. Enter the 3 digits requested from your pin.

If you have forgotten your pin, you can reset it on the CAM+ website login page.

  1. Click Submit.

Video 1: Complete an incident audit

You can edit existing comments/add additional comments to the audit as necessary.

The incident will remain open until the supervisor sign off field has been completed.

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