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Contact Lists

A contact list is a group of contacts who receive alarm and alert notifications triggered by a sensor group (such as haematology department cold storage sensors, pathology department incubation room sensors, etc.) at designated times (such as during working hours, non-working hours, weekends, public holidays, etc.)

Contact Lists 1.PNG

Image 1: Example contact list set up

You can configure a contact list so that it is active:

  • Permanently, for example, weekdays from 09:00-17:00

  • Temporarily, for example, from 01/05/2024- 01/05/2024 from 00:00-23:59

See image 2.

Contact Lists.PNG

Image 2: Contact lists

See Modify a Contact List for instructions on how to edit the time period during which a contact list is active.

You cannot create a new contact list yourself. If you need to do so, please contact us, and we will create one for you.

To add individuals to a contact list:

  1. Create a contact (i.e. enter their details such as name, email address, phone number, etc.)

  2. Allocate the contact to a contact list (when you do so, you can specify if you want them to be notified by 1, 2, or all 3 of the following methods: call, SMS, and email).

Add contact.PNG

Image 3: Creating a contact

Contact List.PNG

Image 4: Allocating a contact

In the event of an alarm, we will call applicable contacts on the relevant contact list one by one starting from the top of the list until someone accepts (i.e. takes responsibility for) the alarm. We will try this method first. If nobody accepts the alarm, we will send an SMS message and email simultaneously to all applicable contacts.

In the event of an alert, we will send an SMS message and email simultaneously to all applicable contacts.

Call notifications are an optional feature, Please contact us if you would like to enable them.

We only call contacts in the event of an alarm. Contacts are notified of alerts via SMS and email only.

You can:

  • Modify a contact if you want to add to or edit their contact information such as phone number, email address, etc.

  • Disable a contact if you want to temporarily stop them from receiving alarm and alert notifications from all contact lists they are allocated to

  • Remove a contact from a contact list if you no longer want them to receive alarm and alert notifications from a specific contact list

  • Delete a contact if you want to remove them entirely from the system and stop them from receiving alarm and alert notifications from all contact lists they are allocated to

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