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Incident Audits

You will need to complete an incident audit if you receive a sensor alarm (e.g. high temperature, low humidity, etc.) or a system alarm triggered by a sensor (e.g. transmitter offline, probe failure, etc.).

Click the relevant link below for instructions.

  • Alarms triggered by sensors are classified as incidents and require the completion of an incident audit.

  • Alarms triggered by non-sensor devices are not classified as incidents and do not require the completion of an incident audit.

  • Alerts are not classified as incidents and do not require the completion of an incident audit.

You must have:

  • Manage Incidents permission enabled to complete the first 3 fields of an incident audit (Cause Identified, Corrective Action Taken, Incident Resolved)

  • Approve Incidents permission enabled to complete the final field in an incident audit (Supervisor Sign Off)

  • Multi Sign Off permission enabled in addition to the 2 listed above to complete/sign off multiple incident audits

See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

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