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Remove a Contact from a Contact List

You can remove a contact from a contact list if you no longer want them to receive alarm and alert notifications from the contact list.

You must be have the Manage Contacts permission enabled to remove a contact from a contact list. See View/Edit Your Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.

You can delete a contact if you want to remove them entirely from the system and stop them from receiving alarm and alert notifications from all contact lists they are assigned to.

  1. Log in to the CAM+ Website.

  2. Click the contacts icon on the relevant site.

  3. Click Manage Alarm Contacts.

  4. Click Allocate Contact Names. You will see a list of sensor groups, for example, Haematology Department Cold Storage Sensors, Pathology Department Incubation Room Sensors, etc.

  5. Click the contact list icon on the relevant sensor group. You will see a list of contact lists, for example, Working Hours, Non-Working Hours, Weekends, Public Holidays, etc.

The contact list will display information including: name, description, list type, start time, end time, start date (if applicable), end date (if applicable), EDA (if alarm notifications on the Checkit app are enabled/disabled).

  1. Click the view icon on the relevant contact list.

  2. Click the left arrow on the contact to remove them to the list.

  3. Click Update.

Please ensure that the contact list contains at least 4 remaining contacts to avoid alarms/alerts going unanswered.

Video 1: Remove a contact from a contact list

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