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Sensor Battery

Sensors are battery powered.

The battery has a life expectancy of 3-5 years.

The battery level is shown on the:

  • WARP display panel (see image 1)

  • CAM+ website (see image 2)

If the battery is

  • Low, relevant contacts will receive a battery low alert

  • Critically low, relevant contacts will receive a battery low alarm

Battery 1.png

Image 1: Sensor battery level on WARP


Image 2: Sensor battery level on CAM+ website

If you receive a battery low alarm/alert, please replace the battery as soon as possible to avoid potential data loss.

How to Replace a Sensor Battery

Follow the steps below if you receive a battery low alarm/alert.

Sensors only takes SAFT LS14500 batteries. On no account should any other battery type be fitted.

Please contact us if you require replacement transmitter batteries.

  1. Locate the transmitter on site.

  2. Ensure that the serial number located on the side of the transmitter matches that on the alarm/alert.

  3. Remove any cables connecting the transmitter to probes, making a note of which socket the probe was connected to.

  4. Slide back the cover on the back of the transmitter to reveal the battery holder (see image 3).

If you are replacing the battery in a Room Ambient Temperature & Humidity Sensor, remove the screw on the bottom of the sensor to open the cover.

  1. Using a fine bladed screwdriver, carefully unclip the battery retaining clip (see image 4).

  2. Remove the old battery cell and fit a new one. Remember to observe the battery polarity (see image 5).

  3. Carefully refit the battery retaining clip and close the back cover (see image 6).

  4. Reconnect the probe(s) to the appropriate socket on the bottom of the transmitter.

  5. Press and release the membrane button and verify that the transmitter LED flashes green once.

If you replaced the battery after receiving a low battery:

  • Alarm, complete an incident audit to update staff on the action you have taken

  • Alert, you are not required to complete an incident audit

Replace battery 1.JPG

Image 3: Remove cover

Replace battery 2.JPG

Image 4: Remove retaining clip

Replace battery 3.JPG

Image 5: Replace battery

Replace battery 4.JPG

Image 6: Refit clip and close cover

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