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Delayed Checks

Delayed checks ensure that time-sensitive follow-up tasks are completed at the right time, such as discarding unsold food items a certain number of hours after they have been put in hot hold.

When an initial check is completed, a delayed check is automatically generated, which prompts you to take follow-up action at the appropriate time (see video 1).

Delayed Checks are currently only available on the Checkit Android App.

Video 1: Delayed check

Completing Delayed Checks

When you complete the initial check, a pop up will appear on screen informing you that a delayed check has been created. The pop up displays a unique Checkit ID which you can note down on a sticky label and attach to the product container to help identify it later (see image 1).

We also offer a label printer. If you use label printing, simply tap Print to create a sticky label.

You can also add notes on the app to help you identify the item later (see image 2).

Tap Done to continue.

When the follow-up task needs to be completed, the delayed check will appear in the Due section of the scheduled work screen. It will contain the unique Checkit ID, so you can identify the container to which it relates (see image 3).

Label printing is currently only available on the Checkit Android App.

Pop up.jpg

Image 1: Pop up

Add notes.gif

Image 2: Add a note

Delayed Check Due.jpg

Image 3: Delayed check due

View/Edit/Cancel Pending Delayed Checks

Any pending delayed checks will be displayed in a banner at the bottom of the scheduled work screen. Tap the banner to view a list of all pending delayed checks (see image 4).

Each pending delayed check displays:

  • The unique Checkit ID

  • Any comments added (if applicable)

  • Due time & date

You can edit the notes in a delayed check if necessary by tapping the pencil icon (see image 5).

You can cancel a delayed check if it is no longer necessary, for example, if the items are sold before the delayed check is due. To do so, tap the X icon, enter a reason, and tap OK (see image 6).

View Pending Delayed Checks Android.gif

Image 4: Pending delayed checks (Android)

Edit notes (1).gif

Image 5: Edit notes

Cancel Delayed Check.gif

Image 6: Cancel delayed check


All delayed checks (including completed and cancelled delayed checks) are displayed in the Work Report (see image 7).

Report 1.PNG

Image 7: Delayed check reporting

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