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Delayed Checks


Delayed checks ensure that time-sensitive follow-up tasks are completed at the right time, such as discarding unsold food items a certain number of hours after they have been put in hot hold.

When an initial check is completed, a delayed check is automatically generated, which prompts you to take follow-up action at the appropriate time (see video 1).

Delayed checks are available on the Checkit Android App (including Ulefone devices) and the Checkit iOS App 2.1.0 and above.

Click here to view how to complete, view, edit, and cancel delayed checks on the Checkit App.

All delayed checks (including completed and cancelled delayed checks) are displayed in the Work Report (see image 1).

Video 1: Delayed check

Report 1.PNG

Image 1: Delayed check reporting


You must be a Safety Manager to add a delayed check.

You can only add delayed checks to options in a list of options check.

You can create any type of delayed check. For example, you may create a confirm instruction check, a list of options check, a temperature check, a free text input check, etc.

You can create a delayed checklist if the option in the initial check requires multiple follow-up tasks.

To add a delayed check to a list of options check:

  1. Click Add next to Delayed Check on the relevant option.

The delayed check name will be completed automatically and contain text from the initial check option, for example, 'Steak Bakes - Delayed Check'. You can edit this field if necessary.

  1. Select an option in the format field:

  2. Select a type of check in the Operator input to complete field.

  3. Enter a delay duration in minutes, hours, or days (the delay between the initial check & delayed check).

  4. Enter how long staff have to complete the delayed check in minutes, hours, or days.

An overdue alert will be triggered if the delayed check is not completed within this time.

  1. Enter how much extra time staff have to complete the delayed check if it is overdue.

  2. (Optional) Check the Raise alert on manual cancellation box if you want to receive an alarm if the delayed check is cancelled.

If you check this box, a check alert will be generated every time the delayed check is cancelled.

  1. (Optional) Enter some instructions in the Additional check details field, for example, ‘End hot holding’.

  2. Configure the remaining fields in the check as applicable. See How to Configure Different Types of Checks for full instructions.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click Back and repeat steps 1-10 until all applicable options in the initial check have a delayed check.

See video 2.

Video 2: Add a delayed check

It may be necessary to complete the initial check multiple times. For example, you will need to complete a ‘Start Hot Holding’ check every time you put a product in hot hold. To achieve this, if the initial check is:

  • A single check, you should assign it as unscheduled work - see Create Work for instructions (see image 2)

  • Part of a checklist, you should make the check repeatable (see image 3)

Unscheduled Single Check.png

Image 2: Unscheduled check

Repeatable Check.PNG

Image 3: Repeatable check

Advanced Configuration

Preconfigure Reasons for Cancellation (Optional)

Preconfiguring a cancellation reason is only available on the Checkit Android App (including Ulefone devices).

By default, if staff want to cancel a pending delayed check, they must type a reason. However, you can preconfigure a list of reasons so they can select an option instead (see image 4).

To do so:

  1. Click View to open the delayed check.

  2. In the Additional information field, enter options in the following format:

[cancellation reason: "option", "option", "option", "option"]

  1. Click Save.

  2. Click Back and repeat steps 1-3 with all applicable delayed checks.

See video 3.

Cancellation Options.gif

Image 4: Cancellation options

Video 3: Preconfigure cancellation reason options

Example Use Cases

Record How Many Items Are Discarded (Optional)

If you use delayed checks to manage hot holding, you can add a follow-up check to the delayed check to record how many items are discarded (see image 5). To do so:

  1. Click Add next to Follow up check.

  2. Enter a name, for example, ‘Enter Number of Items Discarded’.

  3. Select Single Check.

  4. Select Free text/numeric input.

  5. Select Numeric input.

  6. (Optional) Add some instructions in the Additional check details field.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Back and repeat steps 1-7 with all applicable delayed checks.

See video 4.

Record Number of Items Discarded.gif

Image 5: Record number of items discarded

Video 4: Add a follow-up check

Add a Delayed Temperature Check for Out-of-Range Readings (Optional)

You can configure a delayed temperature check which is generated if the reading in an initial temperature check is out of range (see image 6). To do so:

Step 1: Add a Follow-Up Check to the Initial Temperature Check

  1. Click Add next to Needs a follow-up check.

  2. Enter a name, for example, ‘Check Again’.

  3. Select Single check.

  4. Select List of Options.

  5. Create an option, for example, ‘Repeat Temperature Check’.

  6. Click Save.

Step 2: Add a Delayed Check to the Follow-Up Check

  1. Click Add next to Delayed Check.

  2. Select Single check.

  3. Select Measure Temperature.

  4. Enter a delay duration in minutes, hours, or days (the delay between the initial check & delayed check).

  5. Enter how long staff have to complete the delayed check in minutes, hours, or days.

An overdue alert will be triggered if the delayed check is not completed within this time.

  1. Enter how much extra time staff have to complete the delayed check if it is overdue.

  2. (Optional) Check the Raise alert on manual cancellation box if you want to receive an alarm if the delayed check is cancelled.

If you check this box, a check alert will be generated every time the delayed check is cancelled.

  1. Configure the temperature check (see Measure Temperature for full instructions).

  2. Click Save.

See video 5.

Delayed Temp Check.gif

Image 6: Delayed temperature check for out-of-range readings

Video 5: Add a delayed temperature check for out-of-range readings

A delayed check will only be generated if the initial reading is out of range.

We provide sensors which automatically record the temperature of hot hold units and refrigerators at 5-minute intervals. Please contact our sales team for more information.

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