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Work is the on-site procedures that you create.

To create work, you assign a pre-configured checklist or single check to a:

You can assign the same checklist or single check to multiple locations, teams, and schedules.

Any work you assign to a location will also be visible on any devices assigned to its parent locations.

Below is an example of work assigned to a chain of care homes.

Work assigned to a chain of care homes

Scheduled work

If you want a checklist or single check to be carried out at specified intervals, you can assign a schedule.

If you do so, the specified team will be able to complete the checklist or single check when the work is due.

Unscheduled work

If a task may need to be completed at any moment throughout the day, for example, receiving a delivery, you can select non-scheduled.

If you do so, the specified team will be able to complete the checklist or single check at any time when necessary.

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