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Types of Users & User Roles

Types of Users

There are 2 types of users:

Customer Administrators

Customer Administrators are the only type of user that can:

Customer Administrators have all permissions enabled across all departments in all sites.

Standard Users

Standard Users are granted a custom set of permissions for each department as applicable (see image 1).

They can have permissions granted in multiple departments across multiple sites.

See User Permissions for details.


Image 1: A user

User Roles

User roles provide additional capabilities to users, enabling access to specific optional features.

There are 2 user roles:

  • Asset Intelligence: Can only be assigned to Customer Administrators - allows the user to view the Asset Intelligence Dashboard.

  • SSO Admin: Can be assigned to both Customer Administrators and Standard Users - allows the user to configure Single Sign-On.


Image 2: User roles

Asset Intelligence and Single Sign-On are optional features. Please contact us to enable them.

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