View, Acknowledge, & Clear Alerts
You can view, acknowledge, and clear alerts if you want to monitor and update the status of issues that have occurred on site.
Safety Managers can manage all alerts triggered at their location.
Administrators can only manage service alerts triggered at their location.
Supervisors can only manage alerts triggered by their team.
See User Roles for more details.
Alerts appear:
Red if they have not been acknowledged
Amber if they have been acknowledged
You can acknowledge an alert as many times as you want.
If you acknowledge an alert, details will be displayed at the bottom of the alert including:
Who acknowledged the alert
When the alert was acknowledged
What action was taken
See image 1.
Clearing an alert is irreversible. Only clear an alert if you are certain that the issue has been resolved.
Safety Managers and Supervisors cannot clear an alert if the device is currently alerting.
If you are an Administrator, you can clear service alerts while the device is currently alerting. You will not receive another alert until the device comes back online and then triggers another alert. We only recommend you do so if the device is no longer in use.
If you are an Administrator & Safety Manager, you can clear sensor alerts while the device is currently alerting. You will not receive another alert until the device comes back in range and then triggers another alert. We only recommend you do so if the unit is out of service.
You can view a report detailing all actions taken to resolve alerts. See image 2. See Alerts Report for more details.