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System Alarms

A system alarm is triggered if a piece of Checkit equipment requires attention, such as reconnecting a device to the AC power supply, replacing a battery, etc.

There are multiple types of system alarms; some require you to complete an incident audit, and others do not.

See the tables below for information on types of system alarms and how to resolve them.

Each type of system alarm may have a different alarm delay period.

For example, your account may be configured to trigger an alarm if: a transmitter has not sent data to the WARP for more than 30 minutes, the WARP has not sent data to the cloud for more than 1 hour, etc.

Please contact us if you would like to edit a system alarm delay.

Your account may be configured to trigger an alarm to inform you that the issue has been resolved. If so, the alarm will end with ‘cleared’, for example, 'Transmitter Offline (Cleared)'.

System Alarms that Require an Incident Audit



How to resolve the issue

Battery Low

The transmitter has low battery.

If the battery is:

  • Low, an alert will be triggered

  • Critically low, an alarm will be triggered

Please replace the battery as soon as possible to avoid potential data loss.

See How to Replace a Sensor Battery.

Probe Failure

The probe is unable to send data to the transmitter.

See Probe Troubleshooting.

Transmitter Offline

The transmitter cannot communicate with the WARP (or signal repeater if applicable).

The transmitter will be unable to trigger any subsequent alarms or alerts until it is back online.

See Transmitter Troubleshooting.

System Alarms that Do Not Require an Incident Audit



How to resolve the issue

AC Power Failure

The WARP or a signal repeater has lost AC power supply.

See WARP Troubleshooting or Signal Repeater Troubleshooting as applicable.

Monitoring Alarm

The WARP is not sending data to cloud

Your account may be configured to trigger an alarm to inform you that a monitoring alarm has been resolved. If so, the alarm will state ‘Monitoring Restored’.

See WARP Troubleshooting.

Signal Repeater Offline

The signal repeater cannot communicate with the WARP.

If a signal repeater cannot send data to the WARP, data will be stored on the transmitters routing through the signal repeater until connection is re-established.

Transmitters can store data for up to 7 days after which point data will be overwritten.

We strongly recommend that you respond to incidents as soon as possible to avoid potential data loss.

See Signal Repeater Troubleshooting.

Standby Battery Low

The WARP or a signal repeater has lost AC power supply, is running on standby battery, and the standby battery is low .

If the battery is:

  • Low, an alert will be triggered

  • Critically low, an alarm will be triggered

See WARP Troubleshooting or Signal Repeater Troubleshooting as applicable.

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