Sensor Readings
Sensors take a reading and send these data to the WARP every minute.
The WARP sends these data to the cloud every 5 minutes.
Dual Alarm/Status Contact Monitor sensors only send data if they are tripped.
View Sensor Readings
On the WARP Display Screen
On the CAM+ Website
You can also view the following reports on the CAM+ Website containing sensor readings:
Tabular Sensor Data Report: a record of an individual sensor’s readings in tabular form
Sensor Summary Report: a record of an individual or all sensor’s minimum, maximum, and average readings (and Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT), if applicable)
Graphical Sensor Data Report: a record of an individual sensor’s readings in graphical form
Compare Graphs Report: a record of multiple sensors' readings in graphical form
Check Readings Report: a record of the current reading of all sensors in a department
Tabular, Graphical, and Compare Graphs Reports contain sensor readings at 5-minute intervals. Please contact us if you require a report containing sensor readings at 1-minute intervals.