Save a Report
You can save the following reports to the documents library if you want a copy for future reference:
Tabular Sensor Data Report: a record of an individual sensor’s readings in tabular form
Sensor Summary Report: a record of an individual or all sensor’s minimum, maximum, and average readings (and Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) if applicable)
Graphical Sensor Data Report: a record of an individual sensor’s readings in graphical form
Compare Graphs Report: a record of multiple sensors' readings in graphical form
Check Readings Report: a record of the current reading of all sensors in a department
Incident Audit Report: a record of actions taken to resolve an alarm
Sensor Incident List Report: a record of all incidents that occurred
Alarm Settings Report: a record of all setpoints of all sensors in a department
Alarm KPI Report: a record of all alarms in a department over the month (only accessible to Customer Administrators)
User Audit Report: a record of user activity on the CAM+ Website
Isolation History Report: a record of all sensors' isolations in a department
Click a link above for instructions.
You must have the Manage Library permission enabled to save a file to the documents library. See View/Edit Your User Profile to check which permissions you have enabled.
You cannot save a copy of the User Audit Report or Isolation History Report directly to the documents library. However, you can save a copy to your device and then upload the file to the documents library.
You must be a Customer Administrator to view & save a copy of the alarm report.
You can rename a file after it has been saved.