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The Control Centre homepage contains various tiles that allow you to manage your account.

See below for full details.

Control Centre Homepage.PNG

Image 1: Control Centre homepage

The Control Centre homepage may contain fewer tiles depending on your user role and the number of features your company has enabled.

Alert Status

This tile allows you to view, acknowledge, and clear alerts at your location/in your team.

It displays the total number of alerts by type:

  • Check alerts: An alert triggered if a member of staff uncovers an issue when completing a checklist.

  • Overdue alerts: An alert triggered if a checklist is not completed in time.

  • Sensor alerts: An alert triggered if a sensor is out of range for too long.

  • Service alerts: An alert triggered if a monitoring device cannot communicate with the cloud or has low battery.

Alert Status.PNG

Image 2: Alert Status

You may have fewer types of alerts depending on the number of features your company has enabled.


This tile allows you to view and export the following reports:

Report tile.JPG

Image 3: Reports tile

You may have fewer reports depending on the number of features your company has enabled.

  • Administrators can only view the Alerts Report.

  • Supervisors cannot view Operational Insight.

See User Roles for more details.


You can access the following pages from this tile:

Work Management Configuration

This page allows you to manage work across your locations. It contains the following tabs:

Configuration Tile.JPG

Image 4: Configuration tile

Work Management Config.png

Image 5: Work Management Configuration

This page is only visible to customers who use the Checkit App.

  • Administrators can only view the Where and Who tabs.

  • Supervisors can only view the Who tab.

See User Roles for more details.

Automated Monitoring Configuration

This page allows you to manage monitoring across your locations. It contains the following tabs:

Automated Monitoring Config.png

Image 6: Automated Monitoring Configuration

This page is only visible to customers who use Checkit sensors.

  • Administrators can only view the Where and Who tabs.

  • Supervisors can only view the Who tab.

See User Roles for more details.

Automated Monitoring Status

This tile allows you to view sensors including the latest reading and alert status.

Automated Monitoring Status.JPG

Image 7: Automated Monitoring Status Tile

Work Management Devices

This tile allows you to view, block & unblock devices on your account running the Check App.

Work Management devices.JPG

Image 8: Work Management Devices tile

This tile is only visible to customers who use the Checkit App.

This tile is only visible to Administrators. See User Roles for more details.

Automated Monitoring Devices

This tile is only visible to customers who use Checkit sensors.

This tile is only visible to Administrators. See User Roles for more details.

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